Monday, August 17, 2009

Eating food cooked by a non-Muslim

Some people have a misconception that eating food cooked by a non-Muslim is prohibited in Islam. This is not true! Here is the Hadith proving that there is nothing wrong in eating the foot prepared by a non-Muslim.

Sayyiduna Anas (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that a Jew invited the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) to come and join him for barley bread and soup, and the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) accepted his invitation.
(Musnad Ahmed vol.26 p.271 Hadith # 12724, Classified as Sahih by Sheikh Shu'aib Arna'ut)

Someone may argue that there is difference between the People of Book (Jews & Christians) and other non-believers but that difference is only about eating their slaughtered i.e. the animal slaughtered by the People of Books is allowed (that too with some conditions) but not the one by other non-believers but as far as food in general is concerned there is no difference, we can eat the food cooked by any non-Muslim if it is Halal. There is no difference among the scholars on this issue.

As for as ablution after touching a non-Muslim's hands is concerned, there is no evidence for it. And as the general goes everything is allowed unless categorically told otherwise. There is no evidence whatsoever that touching a non-Muslim necessitates wudu even with the moist hands etc.

As far as Qur'an 9:28 "Verily, the disbelievers are impure" is concerned, it only refers to spiritual impurity and not physical impurity. So it is not a corporeal impurity. Non-Muslims are "unclean" in their creeds and in their ways of `ignorance', and not in their physical bodies by themselves.